$530 million Children’s Special Allowance class action settlements have been approved

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by ahnationtalk on September 6, 202476 Views

September 5, 2024

Winnipeg, MB, in the National Homeland of the Red River Métis - The Manitoba Métis Federation (MMF) – the National Government of the Red River Métis – as well as the Métis Child and Family Services Authority, Métis Child, Family and Community Services, and Michif Child & Family Services are pleased to announce that the settlement for the Red River Métis Child and Family Services class action, also known as the Lafontaine Class Action, was approved by the Court earlier today. Manitoba will pay $84,800,000 to settle the Lafontaine Class Action. Approximately $445,000,000 will be paid to settle two related class actions.

The settlement approval hearing was held today in the Manitoba Court of King’s Bench before the Honourable Justice Huberdeau. Justice Huberdeau granted approval of the settlement at the end of the hearing.

The settlement is an incredible achievement for children in the care of Métis Child and Family Services Agencies who were deprived the benefit of the federal Children’s Special Allowance as a result of Manitoba’s unlawful actions.

“This has been a long time coming for our kids,” said David Chartrand, President of the MMF. “From the very start your Red River Métis Government committed that every penny that was unlawfully taken from our children in care will be returned to them, and I am so proud that we can finally deliver on that promise.”

The settlement, under the administration of the Métis Child and Family Services Authority, will prioritize the interests of class members by simplifying the process for collecting their share of the settlement funds and facilitating payments as quickly as possible.

“Whether former or current, our children in care are finally going to receive the support that they have been entitled to since the beginning of their journey with us,” said Minister Mona Buors, MMF Minister of Child and Family Services. “As the National Government of the Red River Métis, the MMF will also be developing wrap-around services that will be available to members of the Class, such as financial literacy workshops, so that they are better set up for success when they receive their settlement and enter a new chapter of their lives.”

“We could not be happier with this outcome for our children and Youth and would like to thank President Chartrand for taking on this battle to ensure that all the children and Youth involved with our agencies, past or present, will receive the monies they so rightly deserve,” said Karla Hildebrand-Eden, Chief Executive Officer of the Métis Child and Family Services Authority.

“This settlement will give those who experienced child welfare an equal opportunity to chase their dreams and future ambitions. I am beyond grateful for everyone who made this happen. I am proud to have been a part of such a historic moment in child welfare. To see my people, my fellow alumni from care, come together and support each other in this moment of new beginnings is magical,” said Mary Derendorf, a representative plaintiff in the case.

Rene Lafontaine, the other representative plaintiff, echoed these statements, saying, “The approval of this settlement has provided so many opportunities for everyone involved, and I will forever be grateful that I could be a part of something so impactful. I believe this settlement helps with the impact of the harm that has been done, but it does not diminish the fact that it still happened. However, I am beyond appreciative that we finally get what we originally deserved, and that it will lead to a more positive future moving forward.”

The Plaintiffs were represented by law firms Lax O’Sullivan Lisus Gottlieb LLP and MN Trachtenberg Law Corporation.

Individuals who were in the care of either of the Métis Agencies between January 1, 2005 and March 31, 2019, or the caregivers of these individuals, are encouraged to visit http://metiscsaclassaction.ca for more information.


For more information, media may contact:
Kat Patenaude
Media Relations Advisor
Manitoba Métis Federation


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