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New Malwa Express – CAMSC Supplier of the Year 2014

by ahnationtalk on September 28, 20151516 Views

Credits: CAMSCMedia

CAMSC Business Achievement Awards 2014
New Malwa Express – CAMSC Supplier of the Year 2014

Elijah Doss, VP of Operations and Marketing

Mr. Elijah Doss, VP of New Malwa Express Operations and Marketing. New Malwa Express began with just three trucks working as owner-operators for other transportation providers in 1997. With recent purchases, New Malwa now owns a fleet of 95+ trucks and 250 various types of trailers providing services to General Motors and Linamar along with numerous others.

Come Celebrate and Network with Canada’s leading corporations and diverse suppliers!

CAMSC Business Achievement Awards Gala_Oct 1, 2015

In its 11th year, the CAMSC Business Achievement Awards celebrate the innovative talents and accomplishments of successful Aboriginal and Minority-owned businesses and corporations that are leading the way with their supplier diversity programs. Since 2004, CAMSC corporate members have spent $1.7 billion with our certified suppliers. These opportunities boost wealth and job creation for Aboriginal and minority communities and an overall increase in economic development Canada-wide.

Thursday, October 1, 2015
Liberty Grand, Exhibition Place, Toronto
Reception, Dinner and Awards: 5:30 to 9 p.m.
Visit for more information and tickets

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