“Star Wars (Anangong Miigaading), A New Hope”: An alliance to revitalize the Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe) language
“Star Wars (Anangong Miigaading), A New Hope”: An alliance to revitalize the Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe) language
December 18, 2023
Ojibwe version follows
TREATY 1 TERRITORY, WINNIPEG, Man. — Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council and the University of Manitoba announced today that they have an alliance with Disney/Lucasfilm to create an official Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe) version of Star Wars: A New Hope. Auditions for voice actors are expected to take place during 2024 in Winnipeg, Man. For more information, please visit StarWarsOjibwe.com.
Partners in the project include Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council (DOTC), with Maeengan Linklater, Director of Operations, as the project lead; the University of Manitoba; Disney/Lucasfilm; and APTN.
The project is supported in part by the Government of Canada through the Indigenous Languages and Cultures Program from Canadian Heritage. Additional support will be provided by Disney/Lucasfilm and APTN.
“A New Hope, one of the most iconic movies of all time, being available in Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe) will help showcase this language to the world,” says the Honourable Pascale St-Onge, Minister of Canadian Heritage. “It is my hope that this is just the beginning of many projects where stories are made available in First Nations, Métis and Inuit languages. Our government will always be there for communities in their efforts to cherish and revitalize their languages because they are an integral part of culture and identity and contribute to a sense of belonging.”
“Language is how knowledge is kept and handed down to future generations, within language we can hear our history and hopes for the future,” says the Honourable Dan Vandal, Minister of Northern Affairs and Minister responsible for PrairiesCan and CanNor. “Our government, together with our partners, are acting to remedy the damage that colonization has caused to Indigenous languages. Projects like this are crucial to revitalizing Indigenous languages and bringing them to new audiences so Indigenous Peoples can see themselves and their languages have a place at home and in a galaxy far, far away.”
Script translation, auditions for Anishinaabemowin voice actors and sound recording will take place in Winnipeg, with sound mixing and post-production scheduled to occur at Skywalker Sound in California. Plans are to have a Winnipeg premiere as well as showings at theatres across Canada and the intent is for this version of the film to air on APTN. Further details and timelines will be announced as the project progresses.
“This is an exciting project that seeks to restore the Anishinaabe language to the galaxy,” says Maeengan Linklater, “and, DOTC gets to say it did the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs.”
“Like the Force, our language surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds our communities and culture together,” says Cary Miller, Associate Vice-President Indigenous Scholarship, Research and Curriculum at the University of Manitoba. “Projects like this that make our language more accessible are foundationally important to encouraging our youth to carry on our knowledge — including that of science and technology — which are embedded in our Anishinaabe language.”
“Working on the Navajo version of Star Wars: A New Hope was a highlight of my career,” says Lucasfilm Senior Manager of Distribution Operations Michael Kohn. “I am very excited to revisit this type of project again and hopefully preserve and expand the Ojibwe language for future generations.”
“APTN is proud to partner on this project, which will help make a classic film more accessible to our Anishinaabe audience,” says Mike Omelus, executive director of content and strategy at APTN. “Language revitalization is fundamental to our work as an Indigenous broadcaster. This is an incredible way to celebrate Anishinaabe culture, language and identity.”
While there are many Indigenous languages in Canada, Anishinaabemowin, or Ojibwe, was chosen because it has about 320,000 speakers in Canada and the U.S., and is the most spoken Indigenous language in Manitoba, Ontario and Minnesota.
“Gi-ga-miinigoowiz Mamaandaawiziwin” (“May the Force be with you”).
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Media Contact:
Lyn Cowan
Lucasfilm Publicity
About Lucasfilm Ltd.
Lucasfilm Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company, is a global leader in film, television and digital entertainment. In addition to its feature film and series production, the company’s offerings include cutting-edge visual effects and audio post-production, digital animation, immersive storytelling, and the management of the global merchandising activities for its entertainment properties including the legendary STAR WARS and INDIANA JONES franchises. Lucasfilm Ltd. is headquartered in northern California.
About DOTC
Incorporated in 1974, the Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council (DOTC) is the oldest tribal council in Canada. The DOTC currently represents 16,000 citizens, providing programs and services to six First Nations in southwestern Manitoba: Birdtail Sioux First Nation, Dakota Tipi First Nation, Long Plain First Nation, Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation, Sandy Bay Ojibway First Nation and Swan Lake First Nation. A fundamental part of the council’s vision and mandate is to promote, enhance quality of life for its members and attain the same opportunities and aspirations as those experienced by citizens elsewhere in Canada, and protect and promote the shared interests and aspirations of its member First Nations.
About the University of Manitoba
The University of Manitoba (UM) is recognized as Western Canada’s first university, located in Winnipeg. It is part of the U15, ranking among Canada’s top research-intensive universities and is Manitoba’s only medical-doctoral post-secondary institution. The University provides exceptional liberal arts, science and professional programs of study, inspiring undergraduate and post-graduate students to positively impact their communities as globally-engaged citizens. UM is committed to working together with the Indigenous community to advance Reconciliation, support Indigenous students, highlight Indigenous research and celebrate the successes of Indigenous community members. UM is home to more than 29,000 students, 5,000 academic staff, 3,900 support staff and more than 188,000 alumni.
About APTN
APTN launched in 1999 as the first national Indigenous broadcaster in the world. Since then, the network has become a global leader in programming that celebrates the rich diversity of Indigenous Peoples across Turtle Island and beyond. A respected non-profit and charitable broadcaster, APTN shares authentic stories in English, French and a variety of Indigenous languages with nearly 10 million Canadian households. APTN proudly features over 80% Canadian content and inspires audiences via multiple platforms, including its Indigenous-focused streaming service, APTN lumi.
Project Backgrounder
- The spark of this project began in 2021, when Dougald Lamont, former Member of the Legislative Assembly for St. Boniface, reached out to Pablo Hidalgo, a former Winnipegger and Lucasfilm executive, to see whether it would be possible to get Star Wars officially translated into an Indigenous language.
- “I thought if Star Wars could be translated into Navajo, they might be interested in doing another language as well,” said Dougald Lamont. “And while I’ve never met Pablo Hidalgo, Winnipeg being Winnipeg, we have several friends in common, so I e-mailed him. A couple of weeks later, I got an e-mail back from Michael Kohn. I was over the moon — over two moons! I immediately reached out to another friend and Star Wars fan, Maeengan Linklater at DOTC, and that got the ball rolling.”
- From there, Linklater and DOTC reached out to develop a proposal, with the University of Manitoba and APTN signing on as partners.
- Linklater is more than your average Star Wars fan — his son’s middle name is Jedi. His mother, Patricia Ningewance, is an award-winning Ojibwe teacher and publisher, translator and recipient of the Order of Canada.
- There are multiple goals to the project — in addition to revitalizing Indigenous languages by dubbing Star Wars: A New Hope into Anishinaabemowin, the hope is to use the process as a “proof of concept” for how Indigenous language speakers can either translate future projects or develop film and TV projects of their own in Manitoba.
- In addition to Maeengan Linklater, project leads include Cary Miller, Associate Vice-President Indigenous Scholarship, Research and Curriculum (U of M) and Michael Kohn (Lucasfilm), who also oversaw the Navajo production of Star Wars: A New Hope, which is available for viewing on Disney+.
Anangong Miigaadim – Oshki-bagosendamamong ji-giiwe-bimaajichigaadeg Anishinaabemowin
Treaty 1 Aki – Ezhi-dibendaagoziwaad Miskwaagamiwiziibii-Aabitawizhaanag – Wiinibiigong Manidoobaang -Gichi-anami’ewgiizhiganigiizis 18, 2023 — DOTC gaye Gichi-gikendaasoowigamig Manitoba -wiindamaagewag noongom ewiijiiwaawaad Disney / Lucasfilm ji-ozhitoowaad gaa-anishinaabemoomagak Star Wars Anangong Miigaadim, Oshki-bagosendamowin. Da-gojiiwag ge-anishinaabemowaad imaa mazinaatesijiganing 2024 izhiseg imaa Wiinibiigong Manitoba. Giiyaabi wii-gikendameg omaa inaabig: https://starwarsojibwe.com.
Ogo dagwiiwag Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council Maeengan Linklater gaa-niigaanishkang Bimiwijigewin eniigaaniid omaa, gaye UM gaye Disney / Lucasfilm gaye APTN.
Gaanada Aki Ogimaawiwin wiiji’iwemagan zhooniyaa emiigiwemagak Indigenous Languages and Cultures Program imaa Canada Heritage e-onjiseg. Gaye Disney / Lucasfilm gaye APTN wiijitwaawag.
“Oshki Bagosendamowin maawach gichi-inenjigaade iwe mazinaatesijigan, giishpin dash izhichigaadeg ji-anishinaabemoomagak da-onji-gichi-inenjigaade Anishinaabemowin,” ikido Gechi-inendaagozid Honorable Pascale St-Onge Canada Heritage gaa-ogimaawid. “Mii ezhi-bagosendamaan ji-maajii-ozhichigaadegin ge-ganwaabanjigaadegin ji-anishinaabemoomagakin gaye aabitawizhaanag gaye eshkiimeg odizhigiizhwewiniwaan ji-noondamang. Omaa ogimaawining, nga-ayaamin ji-wiiji’angidwaa Anishinaabe ji-giiwe-bimaajitoowaad odizhigiizhwewiniwaan aaniish naa mii imaa anishinaabemowining wenjiimagak gaa-izhi-gikenindizowing, e-anishinaabewiyin gaye wenji-dibendaagoziying.”
“Mii imaa izhigiizhwewining ezhi-ganwenjigaadeg gikendaasowin ji-gikendamowaad ge-bi-ayaad bemaadiziwaad, mii gaye imaa izhigiizhwewining ezhi-noondamang gaa-gii-bi-izhiwebiziying odaanaang gaye gaa-izhi-bagosendamang ji-izhiseg ani-akiiwang,” ikido Honorable Dan Vandal, Ogimaa Giiwedin Izhichigewinan gaye Ogimaa PrairiesCan gaye CanNor. Owe Ogimaawiwin gaye gaa-wiiji’inangidwaa ngagwe-wawezhitoomin gaa-gii-izhi-gegaa-nishiwanaajichigaadegin izhigiizhwewinan omaa Gaanada Akiing.” Mii ono izhichigewinan ge-onizhishingin ji-bimaajichigaadegin anishinaabemowinan ji-dibendaagokin omaa noongom, gaye daabishkoo waasa, waasa gichi-giizhigong.”
Omaa oodenaang da-dazhi-aanakanootamaagebii’igaade iwe mazinaatesijigan, gaye ji-gojitoowaad gaa-wii-inwewaad imaa mazinaatesijiganing, wedi dash Skywalker Sound wedi Califormia da-dazhiikigaade ishkwaawaach. Wiinibiigong dash da-dazhi-waabanjigaade giizhichigaadeg gaye mazinaatesijigewigamigong miziwe Gaanada Akiing gaye APTN ji-waabanjigaadeg. Da-dibaajimom apii izhiseg.
“Aapiji njiikendaamin owe e-izhiseg, ji-giiwemagak anishinaabemowin gichi-giizhigong daabishkoo,” ikido Maeengan Linklater, “DOTC dash da-ikidoomagan Kessell Run e-izhiseg 12 parsecs.”
“Daabishkoo iwe Mamaandaawiziwin gidizhigiizhwewininaan gi-zaaminigomin miziwe gidazhiikewininaang ji-izhi-minochigemagak,” ikido Cary Miller, gaa-niigaaniid Gikejigewining imaa Gichi-gikendaasoowigamigong Manitoba. “Mii owe dinookaan izhichigewin ge-wiiji’igowaad oshkaadiziig ji-gikendamowaad odizhigiizhwewiniwaa mii aaniish imaa gidinwewininaang ge-izhi-dazhindamang noongom gaa-gikejigaadeg noongom gaa-aabajitooying gaa-mamaandaawendaagwak daabishkoo.”
“Gii-wiijiweyaan Naabahoo Izhigiizhwewin ji-aabadak imaa Star Wars: A New Hope maawach ngii-gichi-inendaan,” ikido Lucasfilm gaa-niigaanid bezhig Michael Kohn gaa-izhinikaazod. “Aapiji niminwendaan ji-wiiji’iweyaan ji-aabajichigaadeg Anishinaabemowin omaa, ge-onji-noondaagwak Anishinaabemowin ani-akiiwang.”
“APTN gaa-ayaayaang ngichi-inendaamin ji-dagwiiyaang omaa izhichigewining ji-anishinaabemoomagak iwe mazinaatesijigan niibiwa awiyag ji-noondamowaad Anishinaabemowin,” ikido Mike Omelus, bezhig miinawaa gaa-niigaaniid APTN. “Niminwendaamin ji-wiijitooyaang Anishinaabemowin gii-anokiiyaang imaa APTN. Aapiji onizhishin ji-wiijitooyaang Anishinaabe izhitwaawin gaye izhigiizhwewin gaye dibendaagoziwin.”
Aanawi baatiinadanoon izhigiizhwewinan omaa Gaanada Akiin, Anishinaabemowin gemaa Ojibwe gaa-izhinikaadeg, gii-odaapinigaade ngojigo 320,00 endashiwaad Anishinaabeg giiyaabi gaa-izhigiizhwewaad omaa Manitoba, Ontario gaye Minnesota.
“Gi-ga-miinigoowiz Mamaandaawiziwin”. (“May the Force be with you”).
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Lucasfilm wiindamaagewin
Lyn Cowan, LCowan@Lucasfilm.com
Iwe Lucasfilm Ltd
Lucasfilm Ltd onji-dibenjigaade imaa The Walt Disney Company eniigaaniiwaad e-ozhitoowaad gaa-mazinaateseg. Gaawiin eta gaa-mazinaateseg, gakina go gegoon gaa-izhichigeng ji-ozhichigaadegin ini daabishkoo gaa-izhinaagwak jiizhinaagwak, gaye gii-ishkwaa-mazinaatesijigeng, gaa-wawaakawiimagak, gaa-biindigeying mazinaatesijiganing, gaye e-adaawaagaadegin gakina mazinaatesijiganan gaa-dibenjigaadegin imaa daabishkoo STAR WARS gaye INDIANA JONES. Lucasfilm Ltd imaa giiwedinong California ayaamagan.
1974 gii-izhiseg gii-maajichigaade iwe Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council (DOTC), maawach geteya’iiwan omaa Gaanada Akiing. Ngojigo 16,000 dashiwag gaa-dibendaagoziwaad imaa ngodwaachinoon ishkoniganan gaa-dibendaagokin imaa Birdtail Sioux First Nation, Dakota Tipi First Nation, Long Plain First Nation, Roseau First Nation, Sandy Bay Ojibwe First Nation, gaye dash Swan Lake First Nation. Amii ezhi-andawendamowaad ji-wiiji’indwaa gakina Anishinaabeg gaye Bwaanag gaa-izhi-dibendaagoziwaad imaa ji-debinamowaad mino-bimaadiziwin daabishkoo gaa-debinamowaad godak awiyak miziwe omaa akiing.
Iwe University of Manitoba
Iwe Gichi-gikendaasoowigamig Manitoba, maawach michaa omaa Manitoba, Wiinibiigong dash ayaamagan. U15 izhi-dibendaagwan maawach niibiwa gikendaasowin omaawajitoonaawaa, mashkiiwininiwag imaa onjiiwag gaye Phd gaa-debinamowaad. Niibiwa imaa gikino’amawaaganag izhaawag e-gikin’amawindwaa ji-debinamowaad anokiiwin giizhitoowaad gikino’amaagoowin. UM anishinaabe’ owiidanokiimaawaa’ ji-debinigaadeg iwe gwayakosijigewin gaye ji-ziidonindwaa Anishinaabe gikino’amawaaganag. Awashime 29,000 dashiwag gikino’amawaaganag, 5,000 gaa-gikin’amaagewaad, gaye 3,900 gaa-wiiji’iwewaad gaye awashime 188,00 odaanaang gaa-gii-gikino’amawindwaa imaa.
1999 gii-izhiseg gii-maajichigaade iwe APTN nitam iwe edinowang akiing. Noongom dash giiyaabi obimiwidoonaawaa gaa-mazinaateseg ji-wabandamowaad gakina awiyag Anishinaabeg gaa-mazinaateshimindwaa. Ngojigo gegaa 10 miniyan daawining izhi-ganawaabanjigaade omaa APTN gaa-onjiimagak mazinaatesijigewin, ezhaaganaashiimoomagak gaye ewemitigoozhiimagak gaye niibiwa daswewaan anishinaabemowinan. Awashime 80% Gaanada Akiing gaa-onjiimagak mazinaatesijigewin APTN waabanda’iwewag gaue owe gaa-gii-ozhichigaadeg JI-izhi-waabanjigaadeg mazinaatesijigewin APTN lumi.
Gaa-gii-izhiseg Ji-ozhichigaadeg owe
- Ngojigo 1021 gii-izhiseg Dougald Lamont megwaa gii-dagwiid imaa St. Boniface Ogimaawining, o-gii-ganoonaan Pablo Hidalgo gaa-anokiinid imaa Lucasfilm gaye omaa Wiinibiigong iinzan e-gii-izhidaanid odaanaang ganage daa-gashkichigaade Star Wars ji-anishinaabemoomagak.
- “Giishpin gashkitoowaad Star Wars Naabahoo ji-izhigiizhwemagak iwe mazinaatesijigan, maagizhaa iwe daa-izhichigewag,” ikido Dugald Lamont. “Gaawiikaa nin-gii-megwaashkawaasii Pablo Hidalgo, giiyaabi dash ngikenimaag awiyag gaa-gikenimaawaad. Ngii-ozhibii’amawaa. Wiiba go nin-gii-biijibii’amaag Michael Kohn. Aapiji ngii-jiikendam! Zhemaak ngii-ozhibii’amawaa bezhig niwiijiiwaagan omaa gewiin gaa-zaagitood Star Wars, Maeengan Linklater, amii dash gaa-onji-maajiseg owe.”
- Mii gii-maajii-ozhibii’igaadeg ge-izhichigeng, Linklater gaye DOTC gii-maajitaawag UM gaye APTN gii-andomawag ji-dagwiiwaad.
- Aapiji ogichi-inendaan Star Wars, Linklater. Ogozisan Jedi izhi-niizhweginikaazowan, gaye omaamaan Patricia Ningewance gikino’amaagewan anishinaabemowin gaye aanakanootamaage gaye gii-miinaa Order of Canada.
- Gaawiin eta izhi-bagosenjigaadesinoon ji-ozhichigaadeg mazinaatesijigan ji-anishinaabemoomagak. Bagosenjigaade ji-gashkichigaadegin niibiwa gegoonan ji-ozhichigaadegin ge-anishinaabemoomagakin omaa Manitoba.
- Godak gaa-niigaaniiwaad omaa izhichigewining daabishkoo Maeengan Linklater, Cary Miller, Associate Vice-President Anishinaabe Gikino’amaagoowin, Research and Curriculum (U of M) gaa-ogimaawid bezhig, gaye Michael Kohn (Lucasfilm) gaa-gii-niigaanishkang gii-ozhichigaadeg Star Wars: A New Hope Naabahoo ji-inwemagak noongom dash waabanjigaade Disney.

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