The 12th PotashCorp Aboriginal Youth Financial Management Awards

by ahnationtalk on May 24, 2017914 Views

 Aboriginal Youth Financial

The 12th PotashCorp Aboriginal Youth Financial Management Awards

We are giving away $15,000 in scholarships!

There is a HUGE demand for Aboriginal financial management professionals however very few of our young people are pursuing an education in financial management after high school. That is why AFOA Canada and PotashCorp have come together to offer the PotashCorp Aboriginal Youth Financial Management Awards and Scholarship Program.

NOW OPEN to Aboriginal youth in grades 11 & 12.
Students are asked to submit a 1,500-word essay (based on the questions on the application form) and to submit 2 letters of recommendation from a teacher, guidance counsellor or educator, attesting to the student’s academic and community performance and commitment by June 30th 2017

Recipients will be flown to Vancouver, BC to attend AFOA Canada’s International Conference and participate in a special

4-day youth program designed to introduce youth to careers in Aboriginal finance and management.

Successful Recipients also become eligible for a $5,000 scholarship.

Deadline to Apply is: Friday, June 30, 2017

For more information:
Call us
: 1-866-722-2362 or
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