Printing Logbooks and Combined Forms for Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Tender Information
Author ahnationtalk
Deadline Open
Name Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Type RFI
Region CAN
Sector Public Sector
Category Miscellaneous

Date closing    2015/12/31 14:00 Atlantic Standard Time (AST)


Reference number    PW-13-00538668
Solicitation number    F5211-130006
Region of opportunity    Canada
Region of delivery    Canada
Notice type    Letter of Interest (LOI)/Request for Information (RFI)
GSIN        N3610: Printing, Duplicating and Bookbinding Equipment
Trade agreement        None
Procurement entity    Fisheries and Oceans Canada
End user entity    Fisheries and Oceans Canada


Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) requires fish harvesters to record information about their fishing catch and effort, and to submit this data in specific Logbooks or Combined Forms. Logbook keeping is mandatory under Section 61 of the Fisheries Act, the particulars of which are outlined in the licence conditions specific to each fishery in Canada.

As of January 1, 2013, fish harvesters assumed responsibility for obtaining their own Logbooks and/or Combined Forms. While DFO was able to provide its remaining inventory of logbooks to many participants in the 2013 fishing season, fish harvesters across Canada must now acquire these documents from suppliers prequalified by the Department.

To facilitate the prequalification process, DFO is soliciting the interest of companies and/or fishing organizations and/or Aboriginal groups (hereafter, referred to as “supplier”) that are capable of printing and distributing Logbooks and Combined Forms to individual fish harvesters and/or groups of participants in specific fisheries.

Applications may be submitted at any time during the period covered by this Letter of Interest (November xx, 2013 to December 31, 2015); however, please note that the timeframe of a particular fishery may limit the application period to be eligible to provide Logbooks and/or Combined Forms to its participants. Suppliers should also be aware that the start date of the majority of fisheries is April 1st.

Once an applicant has been prequalified by DFO as a Logbook and/or Combined Forms supplier, its contact information will be added to the current list of suppliers posted at

General Enquiries
Toll-free telephone: 1-877-535-7307, e-mail:

Access and terms of use

Government of Canada (GC) tender notices and awards, solicitation documents and tender attachments are available free of charge and without registration on, the authoritative location for GC tenders.

You may have received this tender notice or award through a third-party distributor. The Government of Canada is not responsible for any tender notices and/or related documents and attachments not accessed directly through

This Government of Canada tender notice or tender award carries an Open Government Licence – Canada that governs its use. Related solicitation documents and/or tender attachments are copyright protected. Please refer to the section about Commercial Reproduction in the Terms and Conditions for more information.


final_logbook_rfi_fr_nov.docx French
final_logbook_rfi_nov.docx English

Contact Information
Contact name    Walker, Kimberly
Contact phone    506-452-3624
Contact address
1350 Regent Street
Fredericton  NB
E3B 5P7

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