AFOA Canada 21st National Conference Postponed “You Matter”

by pmnationtalk on May 28, 2020840 Views

AFOA Canada 21st National Conference Postponed
“You Matter”

May 28, 2020


  • You Matter! The health and safety of AFOA Canada’s members, delegates, business partners, stakeholders and communities are the over-riding priority for AFOA Canada.
  • AFOA Canada made the decision to postpone the 21st National Conference originally scheduled for October 27 – 29, 2020 in Halifax, Nova Scotia given the current global COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Further updates will be provided as more information on next steps are determined.

In light of the global COVID -19 pandemic, AFOA Canada made the difficult yet necessary decision to postpone the 21st National Conference planned for October 27 – 29, 2020 in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

With attendance often exceeding 1,000 people, AFOA Canada believes that the large gathering at the National Conference and travel to get there would place our delegates at an intolerable risk of being exposed to this virus. Delegates travel in from many regions and return to communities across the country. We cannot take the risk of anyone becoming ill and possibly bringing this virus back home.

It was also important to maintain the quality and integrity of the event. With so many uncertainties around travel restrictions, provincial regulations and delegate engagement, it was felt that moving the event for a year was in the best interests of all concerned.

We thank you all for your understanding during this unprecedented time. Our thoughts go out to our members, future members and their families directly impacted by the virus. We hope to see everyone at our next National Conference in the fall of 2021. We will see you there!

For further information, please contact:

AFOA Canada

Douglas Beaver
Manager, Marketing and Communications


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