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Minister Fisher announces 15 new 2024-2025 Veteran and Family Well-being recipients

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by ahnationtalk on March 7, 20253 Views

From: Veterans Affairs Canada

March 7, 2025

The Honourable Darren Fisher, Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence, announced funding for 15 new projects through the Veteran and Family Well-being Fund (VFWF). This is in addition to funding announced over the last several weeks to support projects that address Veteran employment, families, Indigenous Veterans, homelessness, mental health, research, women Veterans and 2SLGBTQI+ Veterans.

The VFWF provides grants and contributions to organizations for innovative research, initiatives and projects that support the well-being of Veterans and their families. A total of 27 projects are being funded over four years from the 2024-2025 call for applications, totaling $14.4M.

The new funding announced today focuses on a number of key areas:


  • $100,000 to École d’Entrepreneurship de Beauce for an entrepreneurship program for Veterans
  • $828,000 to Respect Canada for employment services for those who served in the Canadian Armed Forces and the RCMP


  • $800,000 to Camp Tanamakoon to offer a safe space for children to share their experiences and build connections within the military community across seven provinces.
  • $450,000 to Can Praxis to provide children of Veterans with an operational stress injury with the tools to understand their parent’s injury
  • $233,200 to Le Sentier to organize themed workshops and support Veterans and their families
  • $700,000 to Legacy West Healing for a virtual, trauma-informed mental health program for Veterans and families living with addictions

Indigenous Veterans

  • $1,000,000 to Southern Chiefs’ Organization for a program to support First Nations Veterans in southern Manitoba
  • $600,000 to the Assembly of First Nations for an initiative to support the continued journey towards healing and service delivery
  • $400,000 to the Manitoba Métis Federation to identify the needs and record the untold history of Red River Métis Veterans and their families

Mental health

  • $15,000 to Fondation des sports adaptés for a project that encourages inclusion, socialization and self-improvement through unique sports activities
  • $250,000 to University of Regina for a program to help Veterans and their families facing the challenges of occupational stress injuries from service-related activities
  • $250,000 to Stratford Occupational Therapy for a project that will empower Veterans and families to find safety and belonging through shared experiences in meaningful activities
  • $400,000 to Mood Disorders Society of Canada for a project to increase resilience, build connections and strengthen the Veterans’ community through volunteer engagement.
  • $200,000 to Stepped Care Solutions to co-design a continuum of care that supports the mental health and substance use health of Veterans and their families.

Women Veterans

  • $477,000 to the Centre for Social Innovation and Community Engagement in Military Affairs at Mount Saint Vincent University for a project that engages women Veterans in participatory action research and knowledge sharing

The Veteran and Family Well-being Fund was launched by Veterans Affairs Canada in 2018. Since then, Veterans Affairs Canada has awarded over $57 million in funding. For information on all the 2024-2025 funded projects, see the Veterans Affairs Canada website.


“We often talk about the importance of supporting Veterans after their service, and real support means investing in them, today and in the future. That’s why our government is awarding this funding. Providing Veterans with access to a full range of services and opportunities isn’t just the right thing to do, it’s smart for Canada. I’m proud to support the work of all these organizations as recipients of the Veteran and Family Well-being Fund.”

The Honourable Darren Fisher, Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence

Quick facts

  • A total of 27 projects are being funded over 4 years from the 2024-2025 call for applications, totaling $14.4M.
  • Between 2018 and 2024, the VFWF held six calls for applications, resulting in $57M in funding awarded to implement 150 initiatives.
  • Budget 2024 provided an additional $6 million over three years, starting in 2024-25, to Veterans Affairs Canada for the Veteran and Family Well-being Fund.

Associated links

Media Relations
Veterans Affairs Canada

Wyatt Westover
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Veterans Affairs


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