Amid 2ND COVID-19 Wave, First Nations Health Managers Association Commemorates Graduation, Achievements in Virtual Celebration

by NationTalk on November 4, 2020682 Views

For Immediate Release

Amid 2ND COVID-19 Wave, First Nations Health Managers Association Commemorates Graduation, Achievements in Virtual Celebration

Ottawa, ON (November 4, 2020) – Adapting to a new world shaped by the global pandemic, the 2020 Certified First Nations Health Manager (CFNHM) graduation awards ceremonies will be held virtually for the first time. Taking place on November 4th, the First Nations Health Managers Association (FNHMA) will honour 21 graduates during the organization’s first-ever Virtual Celebration reception from 1pm to 4pm ET at

FNHMA President, David McLaren, says “Each year, we are encouraged and impressed by the tremendous work and strong contributions our CFNHMs put into improving the health of our communities. Congratulations to each of our graduates!”

“The FNHMA continues to foster highly skilled professionals for First Nations health management,” says Marion Crowe, FNHMA Chief Executive Officer. “During times of a national health crisis, CFNHMs are more needed than ever. We thank and honour them for all that they do.”

FNHMA, in partnership with the Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement (CFHI), will be awarding the 5th Annual Excellence in Health Leadership Award, designed to recognize those who have exhibited a sincere and long-term commitment to and leadership in First Nations health management in Canada.  The 2020 award recipient is Bella Petawabano who works with the Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay in Quebec.  Congratulations, Bella!

List of the 2020 CFNHMs:

First Name Last Name Work Affiliation Province
Jackie Alook Treaty 8 Alberta
Nicole Baxter Nishnawbe Aski Nation Ontario
Laurie Belcourt Treaty 8 Alberta
Vonnie Francis Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations Saskatchewan
Cheryl Gantefoer Battle River Treaty 6 Health Centre Saskatchewan
Arron Greer Tootinaowaziibeeng Anishinabe Health Manitoba
Wanda Henderson Morning Sky Health & Wellness Society Alberta
Kris Janvier Treaty 8 Alberta
Karen Kammermayer Lac La Ronge Indian Health Services Saskatchewan
Josephine Kaysaywaysemat Kahkewistahaw Health Centre Saskatchewan
Lauren King Nishnawbe Aski Nation Ontario
Chris Litke Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations Saskatchewan
Karennahawi McComber Kanesatake Health Centre Inc. Québec
Mandi Olson Binesiwag Center for Wellness Ontario
Fay Pettypiece Nishnawbe Aski Nation Ontario
Jose Pruden Battle River Treaty 6 Health Centre Saskatchewan
Jackie Rain Treaty 8 Alberta
Ryan Sanderson Prince Albert Grand Council Saskatchewan
Judy Thomas Splatsin Health Services British Columbia
Paula Vangel Nishnawbe Aski Nation Ontario
Mary Woodman Cold Lake First Nation Health Center Alberta

Congratulations to all new CFNHMs and our CFHI award recipient!

For more information, or to schedule an interview, please contact Kelsey Thompson, FNHMA Executive Coordinator.



Kelsey Thompson
Executive Coordinator
P: 1-844-218-0440


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