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Assiniboia Downs Raises Treaty One Nations Flag to Kick Off 2024 Live Racing Season

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by pmnationtalk on May 20, 2024166 Views

May 20, 2024 – Winnipeg, MB, Treaty One Territory – The Treaty One Nations (T1N) and Assiniboia Downs (ASD) are proud to announce a landmark event to be held this evening in the spirit of reconciliation and partnership. ASD has committed to raise the T1N flag, to be permanently displayed alongside the Peguis First Nation, Canada, Province of Manitoba, and United States flags on the ASD racetrack grounds as part of official launch day ceremonies for the 2024 horse racing season.

The ceremony will take place in the Winner’s Circle of Assiniboia Downs at 5:00 pm—media is welcome to attend. This date marks the launch of the 67th ASD racing season and will also be the first year that ASD will broadcast its annual Indian Relay Races to networks around the world, a tradition that will be carried on into coming years.

“I am proud to further build on this relationship between Peguis and ASD by not only recognizing the sovereignty of my home community, but all of the Treaty One Nations as a whole,” stated Peguis First Nation Chief Dr. Stanley Bird. “I look forward to seeing our relatives represented in the racing season proceedings as the original inhabitants of these lands, as was intended in the original signing of Treaty No. 1 in 1871.”

“We are so honoured to raise this important flag,” said ASD CEO Darren Dunn. “The Treaty One flag represents an historical cultural awareness and will act as a tangible message of reconciliation for all who visit the ASD grounds for the years to come.”

Opening Prayers will be led by Treaty One Knowledge Keepers Council representative for Peguis First Nation, James Sinclair, with Opening Remarks provided by Peguis First Nation Councillor Linda Sinclair.

Created in May 2020, The Treaty One flag design represents the intent of the Treaties to last, ‘As long as the sun shines, the grass grows, and the rivers flow.’ The Treaty One flag incorporates that original spirit and intent of the Treaties: the green, to represent the grass; the blue, to represent the waters; and the yellow, to represent the sun. The red represents the circle of life and the red people who inhabit this land, while the seven points around the sun represent the seven First Nations who are signatory to Treaty No. 1.


For media inquiries, please contact:

Vic Savino, Director of Communications, Treaty One Nations
Phone: 204-770-0392 | Email:

Darren Dunn, CEO, Assiniboia Downs
Phone: 204-885-8781 | Email:


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