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COVID-19 Indigenous Business Survey Phase II

by pmnationtalk on January 8, 2021630 Views


In the spring of 2020, CCAB, in collaboration with the COVID-19 Indigenous Business Response Taskforce, undertook a preliminary survey to understand the impacts of the pandemic on Indigenous Businesses across Canada. The initial COVID-19 Indigenous Business Survey results have been used to inform CCAB programs and Government response plans to ensure relevant timely support for Indigenous businesses. Updated information is needed to understand ongoing vulnerabilities as well as the early stages of recovery.

It has now been over six months since the first COVID-19 Indigenous Business Survey, and the pandemic continues to disproportionately impact Indigenous businesses and communities across Canada. CCAB is undertaking this follow-up research to understand current impacts of the pandemic, impact of government supports, as well as crucial business needs.

This survey is open to Indigenous businesses that previously participated in the COVID-19 Indigenous Business Survey and those who did not. If you completed the initial survey, we thank you for your contribution to this important project but kindly ask that you re-enter your owner and business details.

It is equally important that we hear from Indigenous business owners who have closed their business since the onset of the pandemic, either temporarily or permanently. Your experiences can help inform policy to support businesses at risk of permanent closure.

Please complete the Survey here COVID-19 Indigenous Business Survey

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