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Express Scripts Canada and NationTalk partner to support Indigenous communities

by pmnationtalk on January 10, 2019711 Views

Express Scripts Canada and NationTalk partner to support Indigenous communities

NationTalk is proud to join Express Scripts Canada (ESC) in announcing a partnership that will allow both organizations to better support Indigenous communities across Canada. The partnership allows ESC to reach Indigenous audiences with announcements, career and business opportunities, while NationTalk benefits from ESC’s wealth of healthcare know-how to support its Indigenous health initiatives.

“We’re thrilled to partner with NationTalk, Canada’s premier communication platform for Indigenous news, employment, events and business opportunities,” said ESC Aboriginal Relations Manager Michele Baptiste. “Express Scripts Canada has a strong commitment to support Indigenous communities, and NationTalk allows us to connect with this audience.”

The partnership allows ESC to deliver on commitments made via the Progressive Aboriginal Relations (PAR) program, to ramp up hiring and outsourcing opportunities in Indigenous communities.

“Express Scripts Canada is a leader in delivering innovative healthcare solutions based on its world-class data analysis,” added Don Barraclough, President of NationTalk. “This is an invaluable resource for NationTalk, as we continue to expand upon the health services we offer to Indigenous communities.”

About Express Scripts Canada:

Express Scripts Canada is one of Canada’s leading providers of health benefit management services. We are proud to serve private and public sector clients, including Indigenous Services Canada. As the provider of health information and claims processing services to First Nations people, we are committed to strengthen the Indigenous community and we will be champions for better.

About NationTalk:

NationTalk started as a newswire and listing service that aggregated information relevant to the Aboriginal communities in Canada. Since inception, NationTalk has distributed over 65,000 Aboriginal specific media releases, and provided over $200,000 in communication services to numerous charitable, not-for-profit and small Aboriginal business owners across Canada.


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