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First Nations outside the Prairies likely to see housing money shrink once new formula negotiated: documents – APTN News

by ahnationtalk on January 7, 202546 Views

Jan 07, 2025

First Nations outside Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba can expect a “significant” decrease in  their housing allowance once a new funding formula is negotiated between Canada Mortgage and Housing (CMHC), Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) and the Assembly of First Nations (AFN), documents obtained by APTN News show.

“Use of the updated Census figures will result in regions receiving their proportional share of S.95 [federal government program] funding,” said a memo to former housing minister Sean Fraser from the CMHC.

“This means provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, where populations have increased, will receive a significant funding increase, and the provinces of Quebec, Ontario, British Columbia and the Atlantic region, where populations have decreased, will experience a significant funding decrease.”

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