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FNHPA 1st annual national conference scheduled for November 29-December 1 in Winnipeg

by pmnationtalk on October 20, 2022463 Views

FNHPA 1st annual national conference scheduled for
November 29-December 1 in Winnipeg



  • Chiefs, Administrators, and Financial Officers
  • Housing Managers/Directors and staff in First Nation communities
  • Individuals or firms working in the First Nation housing industry, such as:
    • Builders
    • Developers
    • Building suppliers
    • Land surveyors
    • Financial institutions
    • Insurance firms

PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS at no additional cost!
Tuesday, November 29 from 9am to 4pm

We are pleased to offer two pre-conference workshops and each workshop is offered as a ½ day session to allow you to attend both (one in the morning and one in the afternoon)!

1 – Supporting Successful Tenancy
2 – Procurement in First Nations

Click here for information about each workshop.

IMPORTANT: Space for the pre-conference workshops is limited and you must register in advance by selecting the pre-conference workshop(s) of your choice on the conference registration form!

Come hear and learn from experts and peers in the housing industry! Our program is full of relevant and timely workshops which will be of great value to anyone involved in this sector. Click here to see a detailed program.

Sign up as an exhibitor and network with delegates including housing decision-makers, housing service and product suppliers, government representatives and academics. Sign up today and start networking and benefitting from our partnership!

Click here to register, to see a list of exhibitors registered to date and for additional information.

We are holding a block of rooms at discounted rates at the Victoria Inn Hotel and Convention Centre. The discounted rate is available until our block sells out or October 26 at the latest. Reserve your room today! Click here for hotel information.

Help raise the profile and capacity of housing managers, both in Communities and nationally by signing up as a sponsor! Sponsors will gain greater access to professional housing managers and leaders from across Canada. Click here for sponsorship information.

THANK YOU (sponsors to date)

Platinum Sponsor

TD Bank Group
First Nations Market Housing Fund
BC Housing
Aboriginal Housing Management Association
Efficiency Manitoba

For more information and to discuss sponsorship opportunities, please email our Conference Secretariat.

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