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Human Rights Claims: Right to Housing Violations Against Women & Gender-diverse People in Canada

by alnationtalk on June 13, 2022469 Views

Human rights claims: right to housing violations against women & gender-diverse people in Canada

On June 14, the Federal Housing Advocate will receive two urgent human rights claims from Women and Indigenous groups raising the growing housing emergency for women and gender-diverse people – a first in Canada

WHAT: Keepers of the Circle and the Women’s National Housing & Homelessness Network are submitting two historic Human Rights Claims to the Federal Housing Advocate on June 14. The Advocate has a mandate to review systemic housing issues identified by communities across Canada and make recommendations on how to address them. Research indicates that the National Housing Strategy is failing those who are suffering the most in the housing crisis – Indigenous women, girls, and Two-Spirit and gender-diverse persons, Black and racialized women, and gender-diverse persons, single low-income moms, women and gender-diverse persons with disabilities, newcomers and refugees, and many others who face intersecting forms of marginalization. The Claims are submitted in the hopes that the Federal Housing Advocate will urgently review these issues and make recommendations to the federal government. 

WHEN/WHERE:  Press conference on June 14, starts at 10 a.m. ET
Next to Centennial Flame located on Parliament Hill, 111 Wellington St., Ottawa, ON


  • Kaitlin Schwan, Women’s National Housing & Homelessness Network
  • Khulud Baig, Keepers of the Circle, Women’s National Housing & Homelessness Network
  • Margaret Pfoh, Aboriginal Housing Management Association
  • Marie McGregor Pitawanakwat, Keepers of the Circle
  • Alex Nelson, National Right to Housing Network, Women’s National Housing & Homelessness Network

Media contact:
Stefania Seccia
Women’s National Housing & Homelessness Network // Keepers of the Circle
778-628-1159 //

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