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Manitoba Forward Registers with Elections Manitoba

by pnationtalk on August 28, 2019495 Views

August 27, 2019

A new political party has officially become registered in Manitoba. By endorsing seven candidates in the upcoming general election and filing the required forms and statements, Manitoba Forward (MBFWD) is now registered under The Election Financing Act (EFA).

As per section 6 of the EFA, a political party can register in one of two ways:

  • File a petition with the Chief Electoral Officer with signatures of 2,500 individuals who were eligible to vote in the last provincial election
  • Endorse five or more candidates in the current general election

Registering with the Chief Electoral Officer allows a political party to be identified on the ballot beside the name of its endorsed candidates, issue tax receipts for contributions, and receive a reimbursement for election expenses. In order to receive a reimbursement, the party’s endorsed candidates must obtain, in total, at least 5% of all the valid votes cast in the election (EFA sec. 73).


Elections Manitoba is the independent office of the Legislative Assembly responsible for the administration of provincial elections and by-elections.

For media inquiries, contact:

Christiana Jones
Communications Officer
Phone: 204-945-5795, Toll-free: 1-866-628-6837


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