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NACCA Launches a Powerful New Video that Describes Economic Reconciliation and Wealth Creation

by pmnationtalk on May 29, 20171068 Views

Shannin Metatawabin, CEO National Aboriginal Capital Corporations Association (NACCA) and his team launches their new corporate relations video that describes economic reconciliation and wealth creation and the important role that they play in removing barriers for Aboriginal businesses.

NACCA is the national association for a network of Aboriginal Financial Institutions (AFIs).  The AFI network provides financing and support to First Nation, Métis and Inuit businesses. NACCA is membership-driven, committed to the needs of AFIs and the Aboriginal businesses that they serve.  Through creating much needed capital investments, raising equity, and providing access to financial expertise they are the organization creating economic certainty.  NACCA supports your vision and invests in your strengths. View to learn more.”

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