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National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation Seeks Members for Survivors Circle

by pmnationtalk on August 17, 20161195 Views



July 18, 2016

Today, the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) officially releases the Call for Nominations for positions on the Survivors Circle. This call invites First Nations, Inuit and Métis organizations, groups, communities and individuals across Canada to submit names for consideration.

“This is another important step in the development of the NCTR” says Ry Moran, Director of the Centre. “Ensuring we have strong Survivor voices guiding the development of the Centre is essential to our success.”

“As a Survivor, it is important to me that our stories and our experiences are preserved and passed on to future generations. This is our Truth, and our path to Reconciliation,” said Eugene Arcand, Governing Circle member.

Housed at the University of Manitoba, the NCTR is working collaboratively with a number of partners and organizations across Canada to respectfully steward all of the documents, statements and other materials collected by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission over the course of its mandate.

In addition to preserving the Sacred memory of these materials, in collaboration with its partners, the NCTR plays an active role in fostering Reconciliation by promoting greater understanding of the Residential School system and legacy through education across Canada.

The Governing Circle of the NCTR will select members of the Survivors Circle.

The closing date for submissions is September 2nd, 2016. A link to the Nomination Package can be found here. A link to the Administrative Agreement governing the NCTR can be found here.

About the NCTR

For more information on the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation, please visit: or

For more information: Ry Moran, Director, National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation, U of M, 204-474-6069,  or email:

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