Agency Of Record (EP361-151112/A)
Date closing 2015/04/22 14:00 Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)
Reference number PW-$$CZ-003-66974
Solicitation number EP361-151112/A
Region of delivery Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, National Capital Region, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan, Yukon
Notice type Notice of Proposed Procurement (NPP)
GSIN T003A: Advertising
Trade agreement None
Tendering procedure The bidder must supply Canadian goods and/or services
Competitive procurement strategy Best Overall Proposal
Procurement entity Public Works & Government Services Canada
End user entity Public Works & Government Services Canada
Trade Agreement: NONE
Tendering Procedures: The bidder must supply Canadian goods
and/or services
Attachment: None
Competitive Procurement Strategy: Best Overall Proposal
Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement: No
Nature of Requirements:
Myriam Sigouin
Nature of Requirement:
Canada is seeking the services of an advertising agency to fulfill the mandate of Government of Canada (GC) advertising media planning and buying Agency of Record (AOR) to purchase advertising media space and time on GC’s behalf, and to develop media strategies and plans. These services, and certain related optional services, are to be provided on an “as-and-when-requested” basis. Corporate Services will also be required on an ongoing basis.
GC advertising is aimed at national, regional, rural and community-based audiences within Canada, of all ages and origins, including ethnic and Aboriginal communities, in English and French, as well as in other languages, as required. A limited number of campaigns are directed to international audiences.
Period of Contract:
The period of contract will be for three (3) years with the possibility of two (2) additional one (1) year option periods.
The Canadian Content Policy will apply to this procurement.
This procurement is not subject to trade agreements.
Bidders’ conference:
A Bidder’s conference/teleconference will be held in Ottawa, Ontario on March 23, 2015. Bidders are invited to attend in person or by teleconference. Bidders who do not attend will not be precluded from submitting a proposal.
More information is provided in the Request for Proposal.
Evaluation Criteria:
Mandatory Requirements: The Bidder MUST submit three (3) examples of advertising/marketing campaigns which were completed within the last three (3) years of the bid closing date.
o One of the examples MUST be a national campaign targeted to English and French audiences.
o One of the examples MUST include a description of an innovative communication strategy/approach that was used to heighten engagement with the audience.
o One of the examples MUST be a large-scale, national digital-only campaign (budget of $300K+), which included a variety of tactics including a programmatic buying component.
The Bidder MUST submit a minimum of one (1) CV for each of the
following key categories of services:
o Account Management and Coordination;
o Strategic Planning and Advice;
o Media Strategy and Direction (traditional media);
o Media Strategy and Direction (digital media);
o Media Buying (traditional media); and
o Media Buying (digital media)
Basis of Selection:
Bidders must comply with all the requirements of the bid solicitation, meet all mandatory technical evaluation criteria and obtain the required minimum of points for the rated technical evaluation criteria which are subject to point rating. The responsive bid with the highest combined rating of technical merit and price that will be recommended for award of a contract
To avoid any conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest, an exclusivity clause will form part of the AOR solicitation. It will forbid the eligibility of any one supplier from being awarded both the AOR and Advertising Technology Provider (ATP) contracts. A similar clause will be included in the associated ATP solicitation EP361-150005/A.
More information on the advertising practices of the Government of Canada can be found at:
All inquiries regarding aspects of this request for proposal should be e-mailed to: or faxed at 613-949-1281.
Solicitation documents must be obtained through
Delivery Date: Above-mentioned
The Crown retains the right to negotiate with suppliers on any procurement.
Documents may be submitted in either official language of Canada.
Access and terms of use
Government of Canada (GC) tender notices and awards, solicitation documents and tender attachments are available free of charge and without registration on, the authoritative location for GC tenders.
You may have received this tender notice or award through a third-party distributor. The Government of Canada is not responsible for any tender notices and/or related documents and attachments not accessed directly through
This Government of Canada tender notice or tender award carries an Open Government Licence – Canada that governs its use. Related solicitation documents and/or tender attachments are copyright protected. Please refer to the section about Commercial Reproduction in the Terms and Conditions for more information.
Solicitation Documents
ABES.PROD.PW__CZ.B003.E66974.EBSU000.PDF | English | |||
ABES.PROD.PW__CZ.B003.F66974.EBSU000.PDF | French |
Contact Information
Contact name Sigouin(cz003), Myriam
Contact phone (613) 990-6696 ( )
Contact fax (613) 949-1281
Contact address 360 Albert St. / 360, rue Albert
12th Floor / 12ième étage
K1A 0S5
For more information visit

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