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A message from the Assembly of First Nations Knowledge Keepers

by ahnationtalk on April 30, 2020583 Views

A message from the Assembly of First Nations Knowledge Keepers

Mother Earth is speaking to us in ways foretold in our prophecies.

Time constantly evolves. These changes bring with it new challenges and unknown threats. There will be a time for renewal, a time we can understand unknown threats such as COVID-19. This new threat is gripping our communities and we are in unchartered waters as the world scrambles to respond. What can we do? STAY HOME.

We are vulnerable to infectious diseases. Most of our communities are ill-equipped to fight this global pandemic. The health and well-being of our people will suffer dramatically. Poverty, overcrowding, and a lack of safe drinking water have impacts on health that are compounded by a lack of readily available health care. Those most susceptible to COVID-19 are our Knowledge Keepers. We need to protect them. What can we do? STAY HOME.

We are told that there would be a time of great sorrow. We believe that time is now. Let’s be smart. Do not leave your home fires until we receive word we are living in better days. Keep your connection to the land, if you must. But social distance yourself.

Mother Earth is healing in response to the current global pandemic. 

“I urge the young people and others to listen to the warnings of authorities about the worldwide sickness that has become a silent killer. If you care about your loved ones STAY HOME. WASH YOUR HANDS. KEEP A SAFE DISTANCE.  You may not be sick, but you may be a carrier. You may have it on your clothes and hands. First Nations health care is the worst in Canada. Our people are dying because they cannot afford the drugs that can extend their lives. Our medicines are there, but there are distribution and supply problems, like everyone else. This pandemic was and is in our predictions. We have many cultures in Canada. We are in this together. Be wise, persevere, pray and, above all, listen.”

–Bruce Starlight, Tsuut’ina Nation

“We want to send the clear message to stay home. Self-isolation provides each of us with opportunities to reconnect with our positive values and to, perhaps, understand more about our Ancestral Lands and how important they were to our self-preservation. It is through our ceremonies we are taught of self-discipline, and the youth can see the true value of self-disciplining, of self-isolation. We must self-care by staying home and truly embrace Mother Earth’s current wake up call.”

–Edmond Sackaney, Fort Albany First Nation.


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