Volunteer Manitoba: Building Communities Through Civic Engagement in the Post-Pandemic Era – ICC

by ahnationtalk on January 16, 202519 Views

January 16, 2025

Volunteer Manitoba is a non-profit organization located in downtown Winnipeg dedicated to promoting and supporting volunteerism across the province, helping to enrich communities in the process.

Its mission is to connect people with volunteer opportunities and to help build the capacity of community agencies, charities, and non-profits that serve the needs of Manitobans. Volunteers play an essential role in maintaining the vitality of communities, without the dedication of committed volunteers many cherished programs and events could cease to exist.

One of Volunteer Manitoba’s core services is its training and capacity-building initiatives, designed to enhance the effectiveness of non-profits and support their volunteers. The organization offers a variety of workshops focused on three key areas: board governance, volunteer management, and general capacity building.

Board governance is an integral piece to the success of any organization. Often, however, many boards face challenges in understanding their role and responsibilities. With the help of Volunteer Manitoba workshops are available that teach board members about financial oversight, risk management, evaluation, and planning. These sessions help develop a competent board capable of governing and responding to challenges in the long term.

Read More: https://www.indigenouschambermb.ca/2025/01/16/volunteer-manitoba-building-communities-through-civic-engagement-in-the-post-pandemic-era/

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